Neosperience - Single Customer View

Single Customer View

We will help you leverage omnichannel to interact with your audience

Knowing your customers is at the heart of any successful business. Today, omnichannel enables you to gather clear and reliable information from every contact, online or offline, with active or potential customers. Thanks to the Single Customer View, we offer you a privileged and always up-to-date view of your customers, enabling you to better manage this information capital and provide clear guidance for every strategic and commercial decision.

Benefit from the advantages of true multichannel contact

Multichannel is a two-way interaction. It allows organizations to reach their audiences in different ways, either on the ground or through digital tools, ensuring a greater presence and better reachability of their offerings. On the other hand, every contact with a customer or prospect generates large amounts of data: valuable information that, however, is not always easy to make use of since it is collected in an uneven manner and difficult to relate to each other, to update in real time, and to use in a targeted way.
Companies need an advanced tool to efficiently organize and analyze customer behavior across channels and make the right decisions from the collected data, based on certain indicators.


We offer you a real-time overview of your customers

The Single Customer View is an easy-to-interpret overview that collects all the data about customer interactions in each channel and presents it in an easy-to-use format. It is like having a map in front of your eyes and being able to understand which path to take, which to avoid and to define the best destinations to reach.
We program and configure CRM tools so that they provide you with a valuable Single Customer View, which efficiently organizes all data from physical touchpoints and digital tools into a single stream and makes it accessible in a simple timeline that is immediately interpretable, clear, defined and updated in real time.

A clear view that offers actionable insights

Single Customer View is like an open window on your customers (and prospects) that will guide you toward a deeper understanding of your audience and the creation of personalized, targeted experiences. You can then define the best interaction strategies, optimize communications, and improve the customer experience. With great benefits in terms of the company's choral action as well, because Single Customer View puts each department's expertise information into a single picture.

Neosperience - Single Customer View


Together, we'll find the best fit for your company.


A single view that brings multiple benefits

Having a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of your customers' behaviors will benefit you in many directions:



Thanks to the information organized in the Single Customer View, you will know and compare buying patterns in different channels, refining the tools used, increasing their effectiveness and identifying the most suitable up-selling and cross-selling techniques.



In-depth knowledge of customer habits will enable you to implement marketing automation strategies synchronized with the preferences and timing of each individual contact (customer or potential), making them feel important, considered and the center of attention.

Servizio Clienti

Customer Service

Your Customer Service will have an eye on the real-time picture of customer behavior, needs, and sentiment and will be able to build and nurture a strong and solid relationship with users, making them feel timely and quality service.

Success Stories

Single Customer View, in practice

We have offered this solution to organizations of different sizes and industries, supporting their specific needs and helping them achieve important goals. Learn about some of our success stories here:

NSP-24_Case Histories_CRM_Dainese - Single Customer View
Single Customer View
Single Customer View: accelerating toward innovative benefits By implementing an innovative Single Customer View...
NSP-24_Case Histories_CRM_Folli Follie - Single Customer View
Single Customer View
Single Customer View: 2.0 customer knowledge By carrying out an efficient and automated process of integrating and...
NSP-24_Case Histories_CRM_TeamSystem-Single Customer View: il vantaggio di conoscere il cliente
Single Customer View
Single Customer View: getting to know your customer By defining and implementing an evolved Single Customer View...
NSP-24_Case Histories_CRM_Woolrich - Single Customer View
Single Customer View
Single Customer View: information makes sales By implementing an accurate and reliable Single Customer View and...

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