Data Driven Business - Neosperience

Data Driven Business

We will empower your business strategies with data

In today's market, dominated by multichannel logic, companies need to present themselves in a unique and relevant way in order to be identified and chosen by their (potential) customers. This means building the customer relationship from where they are.
With the capabilities of the most comprehensive CRM platform and strong expertise in data analysis and exploitation, we will support you in mapping the customer journey of your contacts and creating strategies based on the concreteness and effectiveness of data.

Listen to data and define effective strategies

Today, making contact with a potential customer means establishing a dialogue, with the understanding that the conversation can originate at any point in the customer journey and originate on one of the company's many contact channels. Or, even, begin on one channel and continue on another, leaving a trace of every choice and every action. These fundamental insights are assets to be used strategically. That is why organizations must have the right tools to fully and accurately understand what the data indicate. Only then can they be leveraged, resulting in business strategies and marketing placements and impactful messages to ensure effectiveness in the customer-business encounter.

Data Driven Business - Neosperience


We establish a dialogue with the data from your touchpoints

The development of a data-driven strategy starts with the analysis and effective use of the data collected by the company through CRM tools and from the different touch points, physical and digital. We offer consulting and collaborative work aimed at leveraging the data collected to develop customer relationship management activities from the cultural identities of your audience and the values of your products and services.

Data Driven Business - Neosperience

Generate data-driven business strategies

We will support you in defining and implementing data-driven strategies using the most advanced tools in our CRM platform. We will work together with you in workshops where our specialists will collaborate with your business figures to attribute the correct meaning to the data and, subsequently, define the brand strategy, tone of voice and customer journey. Basically, we will draw together a map that will guide your company's customer relationship management strategies.

Our workshops will be based on proven steps to ensure effectiveness in each meeting:

  • Data-Driven Everything: We will use data to understand what direction the market is moving in and how to react accordingly;
  • Creativity: we will interpret data through the filter of creativity, with the goal of identifying original solutions so as to chart the path to true leadership;
  • Play: through play we will increase cognitive and group learning capacity to raise team performance;
  • Practice: we will finalize each workshop to the creation of a report that will become the compass of the group's business, marketing or psychology actions;
  • Collective Intelligence: we will harness the potential of the group, which is always more productive than the individual.


Together, we'll find the best fit for your company.


A clear road ahead once data is decoded

Understanding and effectively using the data at hand means being able to make truly concrete decisions and enhance the action of each department.



Marketing will be able to make use of communication and offer strategies based on tangible and reliable indications offered by data, increasing the effectiveness of each action.



Sales will be able to handle contacts and requests based on a complete overview of customer and prospect needs and preferences.

Servizio Clienti

Customer Service

Customer service will benefit from a reliable view of customers, which will enable targeted, personalized, and efficient customer service and contact management.

How can we empower your business?