Process Mining & Digital Twin di Process

Process Mining & Process Digital Twin

We make your business processes more efficient and productive

Improving processes enables you to enhance each of your activities, increasing results and improving resource utilization. Our solutions represent operational excellence in the field of business process improvement: they allow, through process mining, to identify the systems and procedures that make the process less efficient and take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital twin to test optimizations before applying them to the processes in use.

Improve business processes to increase results and profitability

A company's growth is not solely related to the laws of the market and competition with competitors. It is also influenced by the functioning of each internal process. Organization, production, design, marketing, and distribution are all business areas that can amplify their positive impact on the organization's business through business process analysis and process refinement.

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The goals we help companies achieve in an effective process innovation effort with the help of our artificial intelligence platform and proven Process Mining and Digital Twin activities are many and important. For example:

  • improve the efficiency of an entire production or operational process that is processed on different systems or machines;
  • assess its possible impact in terms of ROI;
  • monitor a particular process in real time to identify critical issues and costly errors (scrap, defects);
  • obtain reliable estimates by analyzing historical process data to make predictions about future events, behaviors, and outcomes;
  • simulate what-if scenarios of an entire process, including considering multiple production lines, multiple plants, multiple companies (subsidiaries or suppliers).


Analyze, identify, solve and apply: tools and benefits

To accompany your company in the complex task of making processes more efficient, we will move according to a proven scheme, developed to ensure expertise and support at every stage of the efficiency path.

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This scheme involves four operational steps:

  • analysis and optimization of business and production processes;
  • identification of inefficiencies and areas for improvement;
  • forecasting and proactive management of operational and organizational challenges;
  • decision support through detailed simulations and predictive scenarios.

At each stage, we will leverage our extensive experience supporting companies from diverse industries and sizes in improving their performance through process innovation. We will draw on the advanced capabilities of our AI platform to achieve this. The journey will begin with the identification of areas for improvement using Process Mining, and will continue with a field test of the identified solutions on a virtual copy, or Digital Twin, of the processes. Finally, we will move on to "on-the-ground" application.

Process Mining

Process Mining is a solution for analyzing the actual operation of business processes in a surgical and concrete manner. It is akin to an x-ray of the process, highlighting even its hidden steps. It extracts information from event logs available in the company's information systems and databases, data from operational management systems, internal communication tools, and employee feedback, and integrates it with market insights and industry benchmarks.

The Process Mining solution we have developed builds upon an already successful methodology by performing detailed and predictive analysis of not only production processes, but also organizational dynamics. This activity allows us to produce objective analytical documentation through:

  • detailed analytical reports on various aspects of business processes;
  • performance indicators and alerts for timely corrective actions;
  • improvement plans based on real data and predictive simulations.
Process Mining & Digital Twin di Processo

This advanced AI-powered solution enables us to identify and address inefficiencies in each process, uncover untapped opportunities, and suggest actions to be taken. In essence, we provide you with the ideal context for making informed strategic decisions and triggering continuous performance improvement in your organization.

Another advantage of our Process Mining solution is its seamless integration with your company's existing systems, including ERP, CRM, and HR platforms. This allows us to adapt to your evolving needs and market dynamics. Once the Process Mining phase is complete and the necessary actions and solutions have been defined, we will move on to a "safety testing" phase to verify the impact of the solutions and the performance of the revamped processes. We will accomplish this through the use of a Digital Twin, which is a virtual copy of the process itself. This approach allows us to avoid directly impacting your company's daily operations while subjecting the process under test to the most extreme stresses.

Process Digital Twin

Digital Twin is a virtual model that replicates its real twin in all respects. To test the effectiveness of the solutions, we will generate a digital copy of the optimized process and, leveraging AI predictive models, virtually test and refine the efficiency, safety, and sustainability of the process before implementing it into your company's operations..

The creation of a Process Digital Twin is based on existing process data (pre- and post-optimization) and can cover equipment geometry, production line layout, material properties, and energy and matter flow information. Our platform uses artificial intelligence to test different scenarios on the simulated model, including the effect of layout changes, material flow optimization, energy consumption reduction, and accident risk assessment. This will enable us to enhance the efficiency and safety of the process, as well as to predict its behavior and performance. Furthermore, we will have statistical models to trigger a progressive increase in the performance of all affected business processes, production, sales, purchasing, approval, etc.

Process Mining & Digital Twin di Processo


Together, we'll find the best fit for your company.


Expertise and technology for hyper-efficient processes

The solution, which combines the analytical capability of Process Mining with the guarantees produced by Digital Twin, will refine your company's processes, providing benefits in every area:

Più efficienza

More efficiency

The implementation of analysis and process improvement will yield the greatest benefits in the areas of logistics, production, management, and human resources.

Più controllo

More control

Monitoring and optimization of inter-departmental workflows will enable control over the entire development and production chain, ensuring greater efficiency and control.

Più predicibilità

More predictability

The ability to accurately predict delays and bottlenecks in operational processes will reduce their impact and consequences.

Più affidabilità

More reliability

The use of simulation in organizational scenarios will facilitate the planning of expansions or restructuring based on concrete information.

Più conoscenza

More insights

Analysis and simulations will provide your company with a comprehensive understanding of all levels of business processes.

Minori costi

Lower costs

Improved production and organizational processes will enable you to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.

Più prevenzione

More prevention

The development of predictive models will enable you to identify potential issues and implement proactive management of operations.

Più competenza

More expertise

We will provide you with our expertise at every stage of the change management and strategic innovation process.

How can we empower your business?